

ディナータイムには、元高級フレンチの総料理長が腕を振るった「ガルニチュール」(付け合わせ)を手ごろな価格で 豊富なラインナップのワインともにご用意いたします。
ランチタイムにはフレンチのお店ではVIP向けの裏メニューだった「フレンチカレー」を厳選された沢山の野菜とともに 味わえます。
フレンチプレスで落とす「スペシャルブレンド コーヒー」と共に、虎ノ門ヒルズに憩いの場をご提供いたします。



You can casually enjoy our French Bar with good food and good price.

For dinner, we will serve you the garniture made by an ex-executive chef of a high-class French restaurant, enjoyed with a variety of wine at a reasonable price.
For lunch, we will serve you French curry using carefully selected vegetables, which was originally a dish that was not included in the official menu at the French restaurant.
With our special blend coffee pressed by our French Press, we will offer you a place of relaxation in Toranomon Hills.


Garniture is originally a relish for Fresh cuisines. We will serve you various French vegetable dishes that has been enjoyed as high-class French cuisines for more than a hundred years. Curry for lunch uses organic vegetables shipped directly from farms as well as a part of the special curry that is not included in the official menu.
Please enjoy your lunchtime with our special coffee from around the world that varies every month.


TEL 03-6257-1086


Opening Hours

  • 平日:
  • ランチタイム
  • カフェタイム
  • ディナータイム
      17:00~23:00(L.O 22:30)

  • 土:
  • ランチタイム
  • カフェタイム
  • ディナータイム
      17:00~22:00(L.O 21:30)

  • 日・祝:不定期営業のためお問い合わせください。